Restrictions: Vessels are able to enter or leave at any stage of the tide day or night.
Tugs: Not available. Vessels able to dock and undock without the aid of tugs.
Pilotage: Pilotage is compulsory for berthing all vessels in excess of 100 G.R.T. Pilotage is available for anchorage on request. Pilots will board in approx. position Latitude 15°17’54″N, Longitude 61°24’50″W. The pilot boat will display International code “H” by day and a white light over red light by night. Requests for pilots should be made 24 hours in advance either through the vessel’s Agent or by contacting (767) 255-9125. Vessels may contact the Port Authority through Dominica Port Radio on VHF Channel 16/14 at all times, and for 2 hours in advance of the vessel’s ETA.
Vessels normally berth starboard side but in swell conditions can berth port side using starboard anchor and offshore buoys to hold vessels off the wharf.
Pilotage: The following applies for each movement of a ship;
Under 100 GRT
100-500 GRT
501-1,000 GRT
1,001-2,000 GRT
2,001-5,000 GRT
5,001-10,000 GRT
10,001 - 15,000 GRT
Over 15,000 GRT
- For piloting a ship to an out-port or from one port to another. 100% on the rates above plus transportation of the pilot from or to the PILOT STATION and detention at the rate of $27.00 per hour or part thereof for the time the pilot is not engaged in pilotage duties.
- For piloting every streamer from one anchorage to another within the harbor by day (0800hr to 1600hr) – 20% additional to rates as above.
- For piloting ships between 1600hr and 0800hr – 50% additional to the rates above.
- Vessels wishing to cancel a pilotage booking, should do so not less than 3 hours before the estimated time of arrival or estimated time of departure. Where such notice is not received as specified, then a charge of $71.00 plus actual overtime incurred will be levied. Where a pilot is detained due to any fault of the ship, a charge of $27.00 per hour will be made.
- Vessels excepted by reason of the master holding a Pilotage certificate shall, on or before the first day of each quarter in each year, cause to be paid to the Authority, a sum equal to the cost of eight pilotage movements in ordinary time. Failure to make such payment will result in the vessel being assessed full pilotage rates for the balance of the quarter.
Running Lines: The following applies per movement;
Under 100 GRT
100-500 GRT
501-5,000 GRT
Over 5,000 GRT
From 1600hr – 0800hr the above rates will be surcharged 60%. Where a vessel fails to comply with her E.T.A. or E.T.D. and notice of cancellation is not received as specified under “Pilotage” above, a detention fee of 50% of the above rates plus any overtime actually incurred shall be levied.
Port Dues: The following applies per 24 hours for all vessels entering ports of the Commonwealth of Dominica, other than excepted ships;
Under 100 GRT
At Anchor
100-500 GRT
At Anchor
501-1,000 GRT
At Anchor
1,001-2,000 GRT
At Anchor
2,001-5,000 GRT
At Anchor
5,001-10,000 GRT
At Anchor
10,001 - 15,000 GRT
At Anchor
Over 15,000 GRT
At Anchor
- The Commonwealth of Dominica registered vessels up to 500 GRT, anchored off, shall be exempted from port dues. Commonwealth of Dominica registered vessels in excess of 500 GRT, anchored off, shall pay 50% of the “at anchor” rate as shown above.
- Non-Commonwealth of Dominica vessels at anchor awaiting orders, cargo or undergoing repairs shall pay the full rate for the first 96 hours and 50% thereafter.
- All vessels laid up, at anchor, in the Commonwealth of Dominica waters shall pay full rate for the first 96 hours; 50% for the next 30 days and 25% thereafter.
- Tourist ships of 2,001 GRT and over, shall pay the “alongside rate” shown above herein per 24 hours. Where such a vessel is required to vacate the berth prior to her scheduled departure time and proceed to anchor, she shall be required to pay 50% of the “alongside rate” shown above.